Sunday, January 4, 2009

When is High School Going to End?

I just have to vent. How many years must I endure re-living that nightmare that was high school? I don't know how normal this is but I dream very often that I am back in high school. Sometimes I'm me from the old days, blissfully unaware of the real world and much thinner. Sometimes I'm me from now, mother of one and married traipsing through the halls of my old high school feeling dreadfully out of place. What is with this? Last night's rendezvous had me starting school a week late and so I had to sit by some stranger on the bus and by the way I was the "now" version of myself, then for some reason fast forward to walking in the halls of school, topless and in the dark. That's right I was topless but it was totally dark so I was relieved no one could see me. So I get to my locker and I open it up and it has a mulititude of bras in there. Totally normal, right? So I grab one because apparently there is a time limit to how long the dark will last and I just about put it on when the lights come up. So I'm covering up as best as I can when my old boyfriend walks past with his friends and glares at me! So I hide in the bathroom while I get my bra on and then I'm late for my first class. My good friend Jill has left me so I try to find my first class alone. I get there and Jill seems to be great friends with everyone in our group but I don't know any of them. Plus they're all giving me the weirdo look as I'm trying to rock the Madonna bra only look. AHHHHH! High school angst ten years later. Please for the the love of frog make it stop! To top it off I woke up with a Blink 182 song playing in my head. What is wrong with me?!? Why can't I dream about being a supermodel or a villa in France?


Jill said...

How sad I left you, why couldn't I have had a bunch of shirts in my back pack to share with you. I hate high school/ old boy friend dreams. They are just as you say, never ending!

Natelli Johnston said...

I always have freaky dreams from highschool, but I am me now with 3 kids and trying to fit in. Aweful!