Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A craft that is just my style.

First of all I have to give all the credit to Megan. She posted this on her blog a year ago and I thought at the time how cute it was but it's taken me this long to get all my stuff together and actually do it. This is her original blog post if you want instructions: . It's super easy and Ava was so excited about it. Hopefully this will make traveling in the car and church easier. If for nothing else I'll always know where to go when I get a sweets craving!


Megan and Jon said...

Oh yours turned out much cuter. If I could get my mitts on that with all the treats you filled it with.

I will admit though my case was the cause of much anxiety. I had it so filled that I lived in fear of it getting tipped in church and spreading a lot of very small candy for many many aisles. Imagine just one good bump.. I'll shhhhhh I hope I'm not ruining it for you.

And you are always more than welcome to anything you find on my blog. Always.

Jill said...

okay that's so cute and why didn't you tell me about it. I want to make one. Allie said that is so cute, I want one!

Jill said...

ps does she play with it? and how did you do the cover?

Ericka said...

That is so cute...what a great idea. I think I need a girl for that one though.Somehow a dinosaur decorated case just doesn't sound or appear as cute in my mind. Love it! Ava is a lucky girl! Are we going to get to see you guys this weekend?

Dawn and Chase said...

How cute! Can you make one for a grown-up? Me? This is way cute! I am proud of my sister's craftiness! Bravo!

Sara said...

Look at you Martha!! I'm so proud of you and your craftiness! Is there an age limit to these cases?! I sometimes wonder if Hayden behaves better than Brady and me in church, but if I were to make one of these for us, then maybe we wouldnt get so many glares from the bishopric for being noisy! Brilliant!!

Katie and Co. said...

You get mom of the year for making that for your daughter!